For use on all conventional GRT buses.
Kiwanis Transit office in Elmira has ADULT EASYGO cards available.
You can also add value to your existing cards.
Office hours M-F 8am to 5pm Sat 8-2
We are located at 13 Industrial Drive Unit #C (Across the road from Food Basics, Entrance at the back of building.)


NOTE: Transit fare prices are effective July 1, 2024. Please click on “Fare Info” for fare prices. Kiwanis Transit will not be operating on statutory holidays.(noted below) (excludes rides for dialysis)

Please contact the transit office if you any changes or additions to your phone numbers, contact persons or mobility devices. If you travel with a cell phone, please ensure KT has your number. This will allow Kiwanis Transit to be able to advise you of any delays or changes that occur on your travel day.

upcoming Statutory Holidays 2025
Kiwanis Transit and the Community Bus are not operating:

January 1 New Year’s Day

February 17 Family Day

April 18 Good Friday

May 19 Victoria Day

July 1 Canada Day

August 4 Civic Holiday

September 1 Labour Day

October 13 Thanksgiving Day

December 25 Christmas Day

December 26 Boxing Day


It is recommended that Transportation requests be a MINIMUM of 48 HOURS to avoid disappointment. You can book rides up to ONE MONTH in advance of travel date. All rides are ACCOMMODATED BASED ON AVAILABILITY. ***Please remember the 15 minute window for all rides.

Example: 9:30 pickup (your ride could arrive from 9:15 to 9:45) Please call to update your client information if there is any change with the following: address, mobility device requirement, contact name, phone numbers

The office is also open on Saturday 8am to 2pm and transit service operates Saturday from 7am to 5pm.

Temporary eligibility is valid for six months only. Please contact the office for further information about temporary status. Please ensure your mobility device is appropriate for transit vehicles. For example: a companion or porter chair cannot be taken on transit vehicles. For more information on the safety of mobility devices on transit vehicles, please contact the transit office.